ALL SOULS DAY (2 November 2020)


2 November


Celebrant: Blessed is the Lord, Our God, ruler of life and death, for raising the beloved Son as the first born from the dead. In his life-giving name, let us pray that all who sleep in Christ will share in his glory.


READER: The Lord Jesus raised the widow’s son to life. in his name, let us ask God’s unending life for our deceased relatives and friends, (Pause) LET US PRAY TO THE LORD.


READER: The Lord Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus. In his name, let us ask God’s consolation for all who mourn, especially those who lost a loved one in this past year, (Pause) LET US PRAY TO THE LORD.


READER: The Lord Jesus promised paradise to the repentant thief. In his name, let us ask God’s happiness for all who died in great misery and suffering, (Pause) LET US PRAY TO THE LORD.


READER: The Lord Jesus redeemed his faithful ones through the cross. In his name, let us ask God’s salvation for our family members, our friends, our fellow-parishioners, for those who touched our lives and are no longer with us, and for all God’s servants who we remember at this Mass, (Pause) LET US PRAY TO THE LORD.



CELEBRANT: Holy God! Holy immortal God, you are the source of everlasting life for all your people. Grant forgiveness and peace to those whom we remember this evening at your altar in this Mass. We ask in the name of Jesus the Lord, our resurrection, life and hope. (all) AMEN.

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