Parish messages of the week:

  1. The World Day of Prayer for Vocations is celebrated today May 7th, the 4th Sunday of Easter, also called “Good Shepherd” Sunday. On this occasion, Deacon Xavier WONG will preach at the 12:30 p.m. Mass and speak about the Gospel and his own vocation to diocesan priesthood. There will be a second collection taken up at Mass after communion for support of Holy Spirit Seminary, our diocesan training center for priests.
  2. There will be a second collection taken up at this time for the support of our diocesan training centre for diocesan priests, Holy Spirit Seminary. Please be generous in supporting the training of our future shepherds.
  3. Tickets for the parish dinner celebrating VOCATIONS that will take place on 3 June 2017 go on sale today. We invite all the members of our community, especially the English community, to consider attending the dinner that honours not only Father Francis LI for his 60 years as a priest and for this 90th birthday, and the mother of our pastor, who has given from among her children two priests and a Religious sister, but also our pastor for the English community, Father McCabe who celebrates his 40th Anniversary of Ordination this year.
  4. We remind the RCIA groups that there are no classes tomorrow (Monday) but the Thursday group meets as usual at 7:30 p.m.
  5. The Diocesan Audio Visual Centre presents The Pope Francis Minute DVD, please bring it home after Mass.
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