5th Sunday of Easter (Year C)

Parish message of the week:

  1. We remind the parents of this year’s First Communion class that First Confessions for the Sacrament of Penance will take place next Saturday, 30th April at 9:00 a.m. and it is expected that the children are accompanied by their parents for this sacrament.
  2. The adult RICA group, now including also those baptized at the Easter Vigil who are expected to complete their post-baptismal instructions through these lessons, will meet Thursday evening, at 7:30 p.m. on the 5th floor of the parish center.
  3. The Lectors in the English communities of the parish will be renewed in their ministry next Sunday, May 8th, at the 12.30 p.m. Mass. We ask all those Lectors who are installed or who will be installed, to gather at the doors of the church for the procession next Sunday.
  4. Our latest English-language Bulletin is now available at the doors of the church with news of this past Easter as well as other important information.
  5. The Diocesan Audio Visual Centre is launching its latest DVD production entitled Jubilee, 700 Years Seeking Forgiveness. This documentary focuses on the historical background for Holy Years or jubilees in Church history, as well as on this year’s extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Copies of the DVD are available after Mass to share with your family. The Centre asks for your generous donations to support their work of evangelization.
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