16th Sunday of the Year (Year A)

Parish message of the week,

  1. Our English Catechism Classes for school children are taking applications for the new term that begins in September 2020. Information on the classes and application forms are available at the Reception Desk of the parish centre.
  2. As you are aware, because of the response to a new wave of COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong, weekday and Sunday parish Masses are suspended until at least 28 July.
  3. The RCIA Classes are suspended until further notice at this time.
  4. Those who have infants ready for baptism (under 6 years of age) are encouraged to submit an application for Baptism with all the required documents to the Front Desk, to the attention to Fr. McCabe. Make sure to leave a contact phone number. At this time, Baptisms are suspended until 28 July but having the paperwork presented makes scheduling a time for Baptism easier.
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