5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B)

Parish message of the week,

  1. All those who have blessed Palm branches from the past year, and brought them to church this morning, please leave them at parish counter.
  2. Next Sunday, our adult catechumens who will be baptized at this year’s Easter Vigil will undergo the RITE OF ELECTION during the 12:30 p.m. Mass. Given the larger number of adults who will be baptized, and their sponsors, the right-hand side of the church will be reserved for about 7 rows for them; also on first three Sundays of March they will have reserved seats. Please help us to welcome them and accompany them during the Lenten season.
  3. At the 12:30 p.m. Mass next Sunday, we will welcome Father Bosco Han Bo of the Diocese of Shanxi, at the Mass to present to him the proceeds for our collection to help his small rural community in Yutsi. We thank all who helped prepare this gift for him.
  4. Today, our parish committee will meet immediately after Mass to prepare for lent and Easter.
  5. Also today, the first of two 3-part marriage preparation courses for couples preparing for marriage in the coming months will be held from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. in room 515
  6. Our Ash Wednesday Mass in English and distribution of Ashes will take place on 14th February 2018 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall.
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