5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish message of the week,

  1. Lent begins on 22 February with Ash Wednesday. Blessed Ashes will be distributed at the 6:40 a.m. Mass at Christ the King Chapel, and at the 7:00 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. Masses here at St. Margaret’s that day.
  2. Mass in English for Ash Wednesday will be held at Parish Hall at 7:30 pm on 22 Feb .
  3. We wish to remind everyone of the laws of Fast and Abstinence in Lent. The law of Fasting binds all Catholics between the ages of 18 and 60, Abstinence binds all Catholics over the age of 14 and means we do not eat meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday during Lent.
  4. We wish to remind all couples who have welcomed a new child in recent months that we continue to have baptisms for infants on an individual basis. Please pick up the forms at the front desk for INFANT BAPTISM and return them to Father Everson with all the required documents with an email and phone contact. A date for baptism will be set only after Fr. Everson has received the required documents and has met with the parents.

Thank you!

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