2nd Sunday in Lent (B)

Parish message of the week,

  1. The Stations of the Cross in Cantonese are celebrated every Friday evening during Lent at 7:30 p.m. in the Church.
  2. Mass is offered in English on every Thursday morning at 7:45 am. followed by confessions in English at St Margaret’s Church. At Christ the King Chapel, English mass is offered at 6:40am on every Monday and Friday.
  3. On Sunday, March 10th there will be a three-hour Lenten Retreat in English held after mass in the Parish Hall starting at 1:45pm. The theme of the retreat is “Who do you say I am? How Saints Peter and Paul help us to answer this question”.  There will be reflections from the lives of Saints Peter and Paul on how we can each answer this question that Jesus asks of us.  There will also be time for private prayer and mediation intermixed with the reflections.  All are welcome to join to further their spiritual development this Lent.
  4. The Diocesan Office offers marriage preparation classes in English, known as “FOCCUS” for couples who are planning for their marriage. Please call The Office of Marriage and Family Enrichment at 2523-3683 for enquiry.

Thank You!

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