30th Sunday of the Year (Year A)

Parish message of the week,

  1. Our regular Mass schedule for daily and weekend Masses has been restored. Please remember to wear a mask in the church and to follow the hygienic regulations for temperature control and hand sanitizing on entering the church, always keeping the proper social distance from others.
  2. As announced last week, there will be a 2nd collection taken after the Mass today for support of missionaries throughout the world. Please be generous.
  3. The next RCIA Class will be posted on the internet in the parish drop-down menu in the English version of the parish web site by Monday 26th October 2020. Parishioners interested in watching the class video are always welcome. This week’s theme is “Learning about the Historical Jesus” The first scheduled class meeting will be on Monday 9 November 2020.
  4. There will be a special Mass for ALL SOULS on Monday 2nd November at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall. The special ALL SOULS envelopes are available after Mass today and for the next two Sundays.
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