To help late-comers and those seeking seating, we ask all seated at the ends of pews to kindly move in inside the row, so that others may see where there are seats available.


  1. The Christmas Midnight Mass will be in the parish hall for the English community tonight. We will open the doors only at 11:00 p.m.
  2. The Christmas Day Mass is in the church at 12:30 p.m. in English.
  3. Our parish will host a Christmas Day party for everyone wishing to participate immediately after the 12:30 p.m. Mass on Christmas Day in the Parish hall. There will be games, activities, and a time to meet and greet everyone else in the community, strengthen old ties and make new acquaintances. Please consider attending this special event for people of all ages with special games, events, prizes, and a small moderately priced buffet lunch. We still need some volunteers especially in helping to set-up the hall before the Mass tomorrow, and to assist at some of the tables. We have sheets at the doors of the church for volunteers who can help.
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