6th Sunday of Easter (Year A) 17 May 2020

Parish message of the week,

  1. We invite all parishioners to follow and share the Sunday Masses posted on our parish website at https://smc.catholic.org.hk/en/
  2. To help our parish during this period when the church has been closed down, we invite parishioners who are able to make a donation to St. Margaret’s. Cheques can be made out to “St. Margaret’s Church” and either mailed in (as crossed cheques) or left at the parish office or reception desk. We thank so many of you who have already generously supported us.
  3. Registration forms for a new Adult Catechumenate Class are available at the Reception Desk of the parish. This is for a new class for those who are not baptized Catholic. It may begin in June and will meet weekly on Monday evenings from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m.
  4. Those who have children ready for baptism (under 6 years of age) can submit an application for Baptism with all the required documents to the Front Desk, to the attention to Fr. McCabe. Make sure to leave a contact phone number.
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