Third Sunday of Lent – C

Parish message of the week,

  1. We remind everyone that there are Stations of the Cross every Friday evening in Cantonese from 7:30 p.m. and during the Stations of the Cross confessions will be heard also in Cantonese.
  2. Our next monthly Adult Formation class will be on this Wednesday evening, 27th March at 7:30 p.m. in the parish hall on the theme of “The Centrality of the Cross in St. Paul’s writing
  3. All those who have already submitted applications for infant and young children’s baptisms, or who plan to do so in the next 3 months, the required Instruction course for parents will take place on Saturday, 30 March 2019 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 514 of the parish center. The class lasts 70 minutes.
  4. Both next Sunday and April 7th our Elect will undergo the Scrutinies after the Gospel at Mass. The front 8-10 pews on the right side will be reserved for them and their sponsors.
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