Parish message of the week,

  1. Our parish community will host another informal Sunday gather after Mass on June 10th. We again invite volunteers to help with the set-up and clean-up before and after the 12:30 p.m. Mass. The party will be in the parish hall. We also invite people to bring home-made foods too to share at a pot-luck table. The registration forms for Volunteers are at the parish Reception desk.
  2. Applications for a new class conducted in English only for adults seeking to be baptized into the Catholic Church or who are baptized Christians but wish to become Catholics will be available starting today. The class is for adults over the age of 20 and will have a limited number accepted to the class because of space. The classes will be held on Friday evenings starting 31st August 2018.
  3. We wish to alert all in our community that the parish will be having a Blood Drive on Sunday, June 3rd both before and after all the Masses. Please consider volunteering to donate blood for this worthy cause.
  4. A DVD film on the life of St. Ignatius Loyola is on sale in front of the parish centre for HK$80 from the Diocesan Audio Visual Centre. It is in English dialogue with Chinese and English subtitles.
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